Thursday, February 6, 2020

The Real Future of Recycling Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

The Real Future of Recycling - Essay Example recycling it is meant that the products which are being used once and thrown away are being manufactured in such a way that their raw materials can be used again to form the new products of the same generation. (Mitchell 2007) The logo ‘Reduce, reuse and recycle’ has been derived to lower down the waste products in the world and reuse these waste products to produce new efficient ones. Specific materials are present in this world which can be recycled which are glass, plastics, cans, metals, papers etc. Recycling has grown to be a global issue because of the alarming condition of the resources in this world and it has almost become obligatory on every household and businesses in the developed countries. (Yeoman & McKee 2000). This paper would revolve around the issue of Recycling and would provide both the viewpoints regarding the success or failure of Recycling in this world. The logo ‘Reduce Reuse and Recycle’ is specifically used to depict the process of recycling in this world. In developed countries it is seen that many of the households and businesses have taken special measures which help in recycling products which are being used. Authorities in these developed countries are taking measures which would ensure that recycling rate is increasing. As quoted by Sandy Irvine â€Å"the European Commission is making moves in the same direction.† (1998) Businesses such as shopping markets and business centers have special sites for the dumping of articles which can be recycled. Similarly the citizens in the developed countries are obliged to dump all the products that are used in recycle bins so that they can be used again. Government is intervening in recycling programs by investing in roadside recycling bins and other plants which would help to recycle waste products. The waste products of households are usually taken by waste collect ion vehicles which then take the waste materials to specific plants (Mitchell 2007). As the waste products are a mixture of

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